Internal Podcasts: Will they work for your audience?

CULTURE | Dec 10, 2018

When it comes to podcasts, our media culture can’t get enough of them. You can browse iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify and more to find anything that’s of interest to you. In a time of information overload, people are opting for podcasts because they complement their everyday lives. According to a study by Backyard Media, over 70 percent of respondents said it was “very important” that they be able to listen to audio both “wherever” and “whenever” they wanted.

44 percent of Americans have listened to a podcast (that’s 124 million people total – and up to 12 million in just one year). That’s a lot of people – people who could be a part of your employee base.

With such a podcast boom going on, internal communication can seize the opportunity to reach employees in the same way their employees are already hooked on the podcast Serial.

Here are a few steps to help you make a podcast boom at your workplace:

1) Plan your content

Internal podcasts are a great way to reach employees with authentic content that might be top-of-mind or in need of being – maybe that’s the state of your company, big changes or overall resources you want to provide to them, such as EAP benefits.

2) Remember your audience

As you plan your content, keep your audience top-of-mind. Is it a select group within the company? The company as a whole? Therefore who would be best to record the message? And, don’t forget the content rollout itself – is your audience wanting something they can listen to on the commute to work, or in between meetings? Do you have a list of topics you want to cover? This will help you determine the length your podcast should be, and if there’s a lot of content, if it makes sense to break it into episodes.

3) Think through the timeline

When thinking through the timeline, you should also be thinking of your content: Are the topics going to be relevant in a few months? A few years? Mapping out a content calendar that aligns with the company’s strategy will help you determine what you record, and when it will need to launch.

4) Promote, promote, promote

Drive awareness through communication materials leading up to a launch date, and make it clear where employees can access the content and when. A built-in promotion perk? Phone notifications and a schedule for pushing new content will keep your employees anticipating new podcasts.

Next time you have a message to get out, why not try a podcast to see how your audience responds?

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