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What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of newsletters? Maybe they’re already an important factor in your company’s internal communication plan. But if they’re not, this might be the low-cost strategy you’ve been looking for.

Here are some facts on why employee newsletters are important in cultivating a strong company culture, and how you can implement some strategies for effective newsletter communication.

Right on time
It’s no surprise that sending newsletters gives you the opportunity to share noteworthy information with employees. But it’s also important to send newsletters consistently and regularly. This positions you and your company as dependable and reliable sources of information.

Keeping a timely schedule of company updates will get employees in the habit of expecting information, and they will appreciate the consistency and dependability, too. So, consider making a calendar and sending out newsletters on a regular basis throughout the year; try quarterly, and see how your employees react. Also keep in mind that action-based emails perform better in the morning, whereas information-based emails are better for sending in the afternoon.

Educate and engage
The chief job of newsletters is to bring important company information straight to employee’s computers. This means you can take advantage of the opportunity for some digital facetime with employees by optimizing what and how you bring them that information.

The power of newsletters is that you control exactly what goes in them, and exactly how that information is expressed. By creating content that is both educational and engaging, you can capture your audience’s attention and keep it.

And with the right balance of timely topics and showcasing your company’s personality, you have a chance to position yourself as a relatable and accessible resource for your audience.

Refining your audience
Depending on the size of your company, your newsletters may be reaching thousands of employees, all with various areas of focus and interest. You may consider creating newsletters that cater to specific groups within your company.

Rather than sending the same newsletter to all employees, crafting your messaging to appeal to specific defined groups of employees may increase engagement, since employees may be more likely to open a newsletter if they know the content applies directly to their interests.

In terms of internal communication tactics, newsletters can be a worthwhile and rewarding investment. Keeping employees connected and empowering them with information can help you create a company culture to be proud of.

Let’s Be Partners

If you’re ready to change how your people use their benefits, experience company culture, and take actions that drive success at work and in life, we’re ready to help. Together, we can raise the bar on your employee communication and produce measurable results so that you can grow and thrive.

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